Living in the Moment

I took my dogs to the dog park the other day and had a moment of clarity. I tried to get the two adorable labradoodles to avoid mud puddles because one in particular loves to take a mud bath whenever possible. Just when I thought the coast was clear, the blonde dog, Garfunkel found a mud hole and plopped right down in the middle soaking most of his body! His brother, Simon joyfully followed! As I watched them play in the mud I noticed how much fun they seemed to be having. They were right where they were supposed to be!

So often we fail to “jump in” and follow our joy, maybe because we are afraid, or think it is frivolous, or listen to voices of judgment, or we just don’t want to let go and get “dirty”. What if we really lived in the moment and allowed ourselves to take more risks, to take time to have fun; to just jump in and play! After all, we never get these moments back and getting “dirty” can be fun!

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